City Festival of Music, Invention & Knowledge – Music in Offices

This autumn, from 10-24th October 2024, the City Festival of Music, Invention & Knowledge celebrates the City’s unique environment, beauty and creativity through a two week programme of live music and performance.

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‘The reluctant architect: Sir Christopher Wren from Republic to Restoration’

Professor Simon Thurley will give a talk about Wren’s early life and career, focusing on his first architectural commission, Pembroke College Chapel which was consecrated in 1665. 

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The Bells of Old Bailey Church Bell Change

Come and join the Holy Sepulchre London to hear Wren’s Bells of Old Bailey, rung by The Ancient Society of College Youths, in their first ever Bell Change Ringing concert.

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Fire in the City Guided Walk by Peter Zymanczyk

Walking tour starting at the Firefighters’ Memorial. This walk will explore the impact of the Blitz, and the firefighters who fought to save the City. 

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Fire in the City Guided Walk by Tony Tucker

Walking Tour visiting the Firefighters’ Memorial and a range of Wren’s churches, this walk will focus on the Blitz, and the firefighters who fought to save the City.

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Fire in the City Guided Walk by Tony Tucker

Walking Tour visiting the Firefighters’ Memorial and a range of Wren’s churches, this walk will focus on the Blitz, and the firefighters who fought to save the City.

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Design – Wren and his impact on artists and designers

In the 300 years since Christopher Wren’s death, we examine his impact on artists and designers working in his churches. A panel discussion between the architect Bib Dow, architectural historian Luka Pajovic, and designer Moritz Waldemeyer. Chaired by The Very Rev’d Andrew Nunn, a
trustee of A+C.

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Wren on Paper

An exhibition of works on paper by Chloe Campbell and James Newton inspired by the City of London churches of Christopher Wren.

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Wren Churches day event

A walking tour of Wren churches, a papercutting workshop and a tour of Wren on Paper, an art exhibition inspired by the churches of Christopher Wren.

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Wren: Ornament for Eternity

Celebrating the life and genius of Sir Christopher Wren, his work in raising the City of London from the ashes of The Great Fire, and his vision for St Bride’s – the cathedral of Fleet Street.

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