Luka Pajovic

Luka Pajovic is a PhD student in architectural history, with a particular interest in classical vaulting, its conception and reception by the architectural public from the 15th Century onwards, and its central, if often unacknowledged, role in the evolution of the classical tradition down to our time.
His current research focuses on the construction of domes in Post-Restoration England, from the unexecuted designs of John Webb and the young Christopher Wren, to the latter’s mature triumphs, carried on in the work of Hawksmoor and Gibbs. Drawing on precedents both ancient and modern, and displaying a range of different attitudes to construction, surface decoration, and the organisation of the “space beautiful” (kallichoros) beneath the dome, these structures embody manyof classical architecture’s central preoccupations.
Far from exhausting themselves in early modern England, these themes continued to inform the work of classically inspired designers well into the twentieth century – from Joze Plecnik and Erik Gunnar Asplund to Rudolf Schwarz, in whose work Luka maintains an active scholarly and personal interest.