Press Office

For media enquiries or to arrange a press visit, filming or photography relating to Wren300 and the Square Mile Churches contact Wren300 Press Manager, Tracy Jones: | 01702 216658 | 07887 514984


For all other non-Wren300 media enquiries (including commercial and press filming and photography) concerning the Diocese of London please contact Luther Pendragon: | 020 7618 9106

Tuesday 12th September 2023

Fire in the City: Second Great Fire of London through the eyes of volunteer firefighters

Fire in the City: Artists in the Blitz – A new pop-up exhibition in Sir Christopher Wren’s Square Mile Churches reveals the Second Great Fire of London through the eyes of volunteer firefighters who were also great artists

Friday 26th May 2023

London teenagers challenged to build mini replica of iconic St Paul’s dome

Sir Christopher Wren’s triple dome of St Paul’s Cathedral is a masterpiece of structural engineering. Eighty Year 12 students from ten London schools have the chance to test their engineering potential as they recreate Wren’s remarkable dome – in miniature.

Wednesday 17th May 2023

Wrenathon launches

Hear Wren’s City churches filled with song in Wrenathon – a celebration of community singing and historic architecture. What better way to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Sir Christopher Wren’s death than hundreds of people across London and beyond gathering together and lifting their voices in song in some of the churches he designed.

Wednesday 26th April 2023

Year-long Wren300 celebration announced

Throughout 2023, Wren’s remaining churches in The City will host a variety of school and community initiatives, marking the enduring legacy of one of Britain’s most acclaimed polymaths.

Wednesday 26th April 2023

Year-long Wren300 celebration launched

A reception marked the programme’s launch and celebrated the City’s links to Wren. Speakers included the Lord Mayor of the City of London, the Bishop of London and the Chair of Historic England.

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