St Benet Paul’s Wharf

93 Queen Victoria St


St Benet (or Benedict) Paul’s Wharf has been located in Central London since the 12th century. It is a Welsh Anglican Church and the Church of the College of Arms since 1556, whose headquarters are across the road on Queen Victoria Street. It is also recognised as a City Guild Church.

Tudor royalty, Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey may have received their last rites here. Shakespeare mentions the church in Twelfth Night and Charles II of England often attended services through a special door built in the side of the building for him.

In 1666 St Benet was destroyed in the Great Fire of London, after which it was rebuilt and merged with nearby St Peter’s. The current church was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. As this is such a well-preserved building, much of the furniture from 17th century remains, including the altar table, reredos, and pulpit, designed by Grinling Gibbons.

St Benet remains one of the best-preserved Wren Churches within the Square Mile.

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