St Clement Eastcheap with St Martin Orgar

27 Clements Ln


St Clement Eastcheap with St Martin Orgar were two churches combined. St Martin Orgar was mostly destroyed during the Fire of London in 1666, except for its tower. The parish combined with St Clement Eastcheap. St Clement has been a parish since the medieval period.

St Clement was also destroyed in the Great Fire but restored by Christopher Wren in the 17th century. It is Wren’s smallest Church.

The building unique design fits tightly into the London Street. As time progressed both St Clements and before it was demolished, St Martin Orgar, were slowly pushed back to enable the streets to expand as they got busier.

The church also possesses an organ from the 17th century. St Clements Eastcheap disputes with St Clements Danes Church Westminster, that they are the church featured in the classic nursery rhyme ‘Oranges and Lemons’. Eastcheap’s claim is due to its proximity to the wharf where citrus fruit was unloaded.

St Clement Eastcheap with St Martin Orgar is hidden in the London streets but like many of Wren’s churches it continues to feel large and magnificent in size.


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