Wren Churches day event

Paper-cutting workshop, exhibition and tour

Join us for a special hands-on day of Wren Churches… exploring, learning and making. 

The programme begins with a fascinating stroll in the City with Alexandra Epps, City of London Guide and Arts Society Lecturer. You will explore the beautiful post-war stained glass within some of the historic churches of Sir Christopher Wren and discover unique stained glass stories of the post-fire City he helped to rebuild.

Moving on to the Alan Baxter Gallery, you will then have a private view of the exhibition Wren on Paper, featuring 52 Wren Churches in paper-cut by artist Chloe Campbell and photography of Wren Churches by James Newton.

In the afternoon, Chloe Campbell will lead a 2-hour workshop in her specialist medium of paper-cutting. Cutting boards, scalpels and paper will be provided.

With thanks to the Worshipful Company Of Stationers and Newspaper Makers for their support in organising this event.

Tickets are available for either the full day programme or two-hour paper-cutting workshop. Attendees that are also joining the walking tour in the morning are advised to take photos to help them create their paper-cuts.


The itinerary:

10:30am Meet in Guildhall Yard (off Gresham Street) with Alexandra Epps for a City of London walking tour of some of Sir Christopher Wren’s historic churches. This walk includes the use of headsets.

12:00 travel by bus or tube to The Gallery, 70 Cowcross Street for a private view of Wren on Paper, an exhibition of paper-cut works by Chloe Campbell and photography by James Newton with the artists present.

13:00 Lunch (participants buy their own nearby; The Gallery’s courtyard’s tables and chairs will be open for use)

14:00 Paper-cutting workshop with Chloe Campbell

16:00 Tea and departures

Tea and coffee will be provided at The Gallery from 12 midday.

About Chloe Campbell’s work:

Solid stone churches, portrayed in paper. Christopher Wren worked with slabs of masonry, polished and hewn until they formed something spectacular. And now these steady structures have been immortalised in the lightest of materials. With Wren-like precision, Chloe Campbell has used a scalpel to craft a design from a single sheet of paper. Or 52 sheets, to be exact. Why? Because her dream is to see Wren’s 52 post-fire-spires as they once were. Uncluttered by skyscrapers. Stretching into the air, without fighting for space.

52 is a considerable number. There is a church for every week in a year, and every card in a deck. And so on the 300th anniversary of Wren’s death, Chloe is publishing a different papercut each week.

Enjoy the craftsmanship; uncover the churches as they could be, and see Wren’s intricate details faithfully represented, in a fresh way.

16th September 2023

10:30 - 04:00

The Alan Baxter Gallery
77 Cowcross St London EC1M 6EJ

£45.00 full day, £30 workshop only

Special Event
Walking Tour
Workshop/Hands On Acitivity

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