It is safe to say that Hannah Spedding has something of a love affair, if not an obsession, with London's built heritage. She lived, studied and worked in the capital for twelve years. Yet having moved away two decades ago, the pull of the Square Mile's glorious architecture endures.

Hannah Spedding has been volunteering her skills and passion for photography in a project to capture Wren’s, and indeed all of the City’s, churches. As part of Wren300, she has been working her way across the Square Mile helping build an image library of interiors and exteriors in all their diverse glory.

Although not her profession, photography is something that she has loved since her student days:

“A History graduate from King’s College, London in the 1990s, it was during these few invigorating years, being immersed in the wonderful and diverse architecture of our capital city, when my interest in photographing what surrounded me began.

My ongoing passion is the history of London during the 1600s, and the thought that has always fascinated me is, without the Great Fire, would Wren’s legacy have been so great?”

Wren300 has offered Hannah the chance to get involved in something where her skills can have a real impact.

“The opportunity now, nearly 30 years later, to be a part of the exciting and important Wren300 Project, is a dream come true. Through my photographs of Wren’s masterpieces, I am learning more about them and the processes (both creative and practical) that brought them into being.”

Contrasts have been a recurring theme in the photography project, something that has particularly fascinated Hannah and piqued her inspiration: elaborate interiors and functionally beautiful exteriors, the effects of different weather and times of day and night of the London sky – and most especially the juxtaposition of historic and modern.

“I’m a big fan of the old against the new, and everything this incorporates, especially in London, I absolutely love it. The contrasts, the layers, how everything rubs along… the enduring quality of the churches’ construction, even in our now incredibly modern city, is magical to me, as I’m sure it is to many others.”

For now, Hannah’s work continues. Based in Wales she has been travelling to London for the project. Later this year, however, she will be returning to live and work in what she considers ‘her real home’, when no doubt her photography will not only continue but flourish.

Hannah’s work is a testament to the fantastic things that volunteering has achieved as part of Wren300.

If you have some time and energy to give, why not consider becoming involved in the Wren300 project and the Square Mile Churches. We would love to hear from you.

Please send us an email at if you would like to know more about getting involved or have any questions.

You can see Hannah’s photos across the Square Mile Churches website, alongside the other photographers who have generously supported this project.

Or explore just some of Hannah’s favourite photos in the gallery below:

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